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Amy's Shelfari Bookshelf

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Thing 4: Locate and Add Feeds to Newsreaders

When it comes to readers, I chose the Google Reader simply because I am a Googler. RSS and newsreaders are especially useful to people who visit a number of websites on a daily basis and want to see what is new without having to visit each sites individually. There aren't very many websites I am drawn to in this manner so while I think it was good to learn about RSS and newsreaders, I don't think I would use them on a regular basis. I ended up adding the NY Times Children's Booklist and a few others related to my work at the library. After this, I added a few news sites and other sites of interest. I'm not really into reading blogs, but I did add the library's blog as I usually check it daily to see what our staff have written. This activity may come in handy if I were to have a patron that needed help finding these types of sites to add to their newsreader.

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