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Amy's Shelfari Bookshelf

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thing 6 - Mashups

1.  App Garden - The apps I displayed:  Geoslideshow, which will allow you to display your slides and then be able to share them with family and friends.  This is a very nice way for family members to select the photos they want.  googleearth, a programming application, will allow you to enhance websites that you use.  interestingness, this was the most interesting because you can customize anything from photos, stationery to cards.

2.  Big Huge Labs - This was a very fun application.  It allows you to take something ordinary and make it seem/look professional.  I had fun playing with this app.

3.  Spell w/Flickr - Really neat.  You can be the designer and for someone who does scrapbooking, for example, would make life easier.

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