
Hello from the Ladies:)

Amy's Shelfari Bookshelf

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Thing 18: More Social Networks

No, I would not recommend social networking for children. Human interaction is the best way to go. Eye to eye contact is a necessary part of the human condition. Children need to learn from behavioral cues. They should be outside playing with friends instead of being alone with a computer.

Yes, job leads obtained through professional networking are a great resource. Being able to ask questions of other professionals is a plus. Patrons may want to utilize Linkedin as one more vehicle in their job hunting strategy.

Webjunction is a cool site in library land where staff can keep up with changes in the library system. Free Webinars that staff can sign up for are available or archived for later use. Usage is tracked to keep information relevant.

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