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Amy's Shelfari Bookshelf

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Thing 19: Best of the Web

From the 50 Best Websites 2010 website, I clicked on "Family and Kids" and explored Etsy. It is an online bazaar for handmade fashion, toys and home furnishings.I had previously heard of it from a friend of min e who is into making crafts, but had never before checked out the site. While I do not have any extra cash to spend on these crafts, they were beautiful and it is nice to know that sites like this exist. From there I explored Babble, which is basically an online magazine for the younger, hipper parenting crowd. It covered topics from toddlers having trouble sleeping to videos featuring dads returning from fighting overseas. It seems like a pretty cool site, and I would probably make use of it, if I had any children. I will keep the 50 Best Websites 2010 website in mind to explore more at a later time.

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