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Amy's Shelfari Bookshelf

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Thing 21: Show What You Know

My six sites of interest are: LibraryThing, GoogleDocs, Facebook, YouTube, JibJab, and Pandora. LibraryThing, or similar sites, is a must-have for anyone like me who owns lots of books and needs to keep them organized so you don't buy the same book more than once. GoogleDocs is great because it allows you to work on your documents from anywhere with an Internet connection. I have been using it for about two years and love it! Facebook is a great way to connect with old friends or far-away family members. You can set your privacy settings high, making it difficult for the unwanted to find you. I must caution my friends and family not to post every time they change brands of soap or make chicken for dinner though, or they will be removed from my newsfeed. YouTube, although addictive to some, can be used responsibly as well. I use it to check out storytimes at libraries across the nation and get ideas for how I could do things differently. JibJab is an entertaining site, filled with comical videos on current news topics. I visit it whenever I need a laugh. Pandora is a site that is useful to anyone who loves music, as it enables you so search, sort, and find music from a variety of genres. While there are many more sites of value on the Internet, I would start a person out with these.

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