
Hello from the Ladies:)
Amy's Shelfari Bookshelf
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thing 16: Streaming Music
Streaming Music gives you an opportunity to listen to music before you purchase it. It also lets you build a playlist of your favorite artists. I preferred GrooveShark so I signed up. I created a playlist with some of my favorite artists. I like to listen to a wide range of music styles. This is the first time I have used this type of site.
I've looked at Google Earth before and found it to be a useful tool. I already have an iGoogle page and added three gadgets just to complete the exercise. I then deleted them. This is great for someone who has the time to wander around in Google.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Thing 23: Final Thoughts
My final thoughts are I love the internet I'm addicted to all the awesome sites I have saved to my laptop. Some were the ones we used on the 23Things such as the image generators which I use on my facebook page. I also bookmarked Pandora I had forgotten all about it since using the sharing music site 360 SharePro. I am a big history junky and there are so many sites out there where I can keep ready about our countries founding and many other world histories as well. Some people are afraid of the internet until they get started then they cant stop especially when you realize most of the people you know are on the net as well. I did enjoy learning a few new things that I didnt know about so thats a plus. Addio!!
Thing 21: Show What You Know
1.Google 3.Yahoo 4. Yahoo Music 5. Facebook 6. Largo Public Library. I picked Google because I personally use it for just about everything its a great starting search engine that is very simple. is used in the library and searching for ones genealogy is a very popular. Yahoo and Yahoo Music I also use daily Yahoo offers so much info from news, music, & free email its a great site and easy to use. Facebook of course is one of the biggest sites around the world today and has opened a wonderful portal into lives everywhere and almost everyone is on it searching for family, friends and even love. Lastly and of course most importantly I chose the Largo Library because people have come into the library so they should know what free information & services we offer from our website such as what books there are, programs for children & adults, book clubs, & databases to name a few. I would probably suggest more but these would be my top few because I do use them all myself and I love websites that are simple and fun.
Thing 23 - Final Thoughts
Yipee, I made it. Time to sit back and reflect on the 23 things.
Since the inception of this program I have been amazed at the technology that is available. As I stated in my first blog, things as we know it have changed drastically and, as libraries, we must stay up-to-date with the latest technology. Since technology is changing, so should libraries and its staff.
If we never strive for something, we will never gain it.
Since the inception of this program I have been amazed at the technology that is available. As I stated in my first blog, things as we know it have changed drastically and, as libraries, we must stay up-to-date with the latest technology. Since technology is changing, so should libraries and its staff.
If we never strive for something, we will never gain it.
Thing 21 - Show What You Know
Following are the sites I chose to comment on:
1) Flickr - Allows you to find friends, share photos and stay "in touch".
2) Online Video - Allows you to view videos and post on blog or website.
3) Social Networks - One site I accessed was CROUPON. If you like saving money, this is the place for you. You can receive 50% or more from various places throughout the Tampa Bay Area.
4) Podcasts - This is an easy way for people "on the go" to access the most current news, events, etc.
5) Library Thing - This allows you to catalog and keep track of your books. This is beneficial so as to not have anyu duplications.
6) More Social Networks - I've saved the best for last. My favorite was Webjunction. Everything you want to know from courses, programs, events, and discussion groups is available. As I've stated before, the more we can offer as a library, the better we become.
1) Flickr - Allows you to find friends, share photos and stay "in touch".
2) Online Video - Allows you to view videos and post on blog or website.
3) Social Networks - One site I accessed was CROUPON. If you like saving money, this is the place for you. You can receive 50% or more from various places throughout the Tampa Bay Area.
4) Podcasts - This is an easy way for people "on the go" to access the most current news, events, etc.
5) Library Thing - This allows you to catalog and keep track of your books. This is beneficial so as to not have anyu duplications.
6) More Social Networks - I've saved the best for last. My favorite was Webjunction. Everything you want to know from courses, programs, events, and discussion groups is available. As I've stated before, the more we can offer as a library, the better we become.
Monday, February 21, 2011
I explored best of the web 2010 travel and found Backroads walking and hiking tours. I would love to take one of these tours in Maine, Vermont or Yosemite. I read a day to day itinerary for Maine and found that this would be something a would really enjoy. I checked the 2004 list and found two sites that I've used on occasion, and I can find so much information on any subject on the internet and this is only 2011!!!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Thing 20: More Fun with Google
I have previously checked out most of Googles products & apps I love browsing everything, and anything on the net. I did like Translate and Panoramio because I love listening to other languages and seeing places around the world that I will probably never go to. Panoramio was very similar to Google Earth which is a very awesome tool. I already have an iGoogle page, but I did add a few more gadgets such as my tennis news spot and some walking penguins. I guess it would be just fun for anyone to play around with this part of google there is just so many things to do on the net.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Thing 20 - More Fun with Google
This was very interesting. I went into Orkut and was able to connect with some of my interests/hobbies. I can see where this could be helpful in that you can communicate with others and get their ideas/suggestions. I did save it, but don't know if I will ever use it again...only time will tell.
I really don't think that children under the age of 16 should be involved in social networking sites. The internet is not a safe place for them. Children need to get outside and learn to play. They need to get involved face to face with their community and their school.
I looked at WebJunction and found it easy to navigate. It had lots of ideas for library services.
I looked at WebJunction and found it easy to navigate. It had lots of ideas for library services.
Thing 19 - Best of the Web
It's amazing how much things have changed since 2004. It's great that Time has these websites; it makes exploring history, science, movies, etc. easier. I like the fact that you can select a person and be able to ask a question and then watch as the questions are asked. The site, for me, was more entertaining than useful. However, if one needs to know what happened in years past, these websites makes it easier than relying on one's memory. which we know fades as time goes on.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Thing 19: Best of the Web
I absolutely love Thing 19 I explored Times 50 Best Websites of 2010 & 2004. I found that 2010 had most of the sites I have on my pc at home like the Mayo Clinic, National Geo, & I thought 2004 was great but with the explosion of my Facebook & Twitter they both have started the social network explosion. I will have to go home and check this out some more I love browsing the net so this was fun. Shelly and I enjoyed jamming to old tunes on the Grooveshark.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Thing 15: Podcasts
I listened to some comedy podcast. seemed to be the easiest to use. I do not see myself subscribing but I can see how this can be a useful tool. Some of our patrons may benefit when using podcast on various devices.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
I checked out Ning and Library 2.0. If one is willing to share personal information online Ning would be useful as a social and professional network site.
Thing 18: More Social Networks
I don't think children should be on these social sites they are already falling behind because of modern technology. They spend too much time on video games, cell phones, & other pc games instead of reading and doing their homework. I really liked WebJunction there was so much to read. Library Staff members and Librarians working on ways to make information sharing easier. For example they had step by step instructions on how to start your social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter two of my favorites. Many of our patrons look for things like that because we are very busy and something like that to print out for patrons would come in handy.
Thing 14: Online Video
Exploring YouTube was fun. You can discover so many interesting, exciting and weird things. I chose this video because it relates to own library experience in a Benny Hill fashion. Since we are in the age of "e" a demo on how to download eBooks to different devices would helpful.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Thing 18: More Social Networks
I know that the world is getting more dependent on being digital everyday, but I find the idea of social networks for children as young as 8 to be disturbing. Even looking through the sites listed in the article, my opinion has not changed. The world is a scary place and online, despite the best efforts of law enforcement officials, too many children are tricked into giving out their personal information and getting themselves into trouble. If I had to choose one of the listed sites, I would go with Togetherville as it seemed the safest and blocked access to outside sites.
While I do not have a Linkedin account, I know several people who do. Some of the advantages of membership to this site include posting your profile and building a network of colleagues in your business, getting notice of new jobs available in certain companies (possibly before they are advertised), and researching companies before applying for a job with them.
WebJunction is a site that I have known about for some time, but haven't gotten around to truly exploring. Offering information and trainings for library staff, it is a great resource, especially since membership is free. With the courses costing about $40 each, the library could offer incentives for staff that are interested in taking some classes. Since most of the courses are self-paced, it would be easy enough for staff to be scheduled off-desk to "attend" class when the schedule allowed. I think that a great number of people would be interested, and a more educated staff would certainly help the library in the long run!
Thing 17: Social Networks Beyond Facebook
Other than Facebook, the only social networks I am a current member of is Delicious, Flickr, and LibraryThing, all of which I had joined prior to the start of this 23 Things initiative. I previously had a MySpace account, but closed it after about 6 months. I also once had a account, but found the cost to be an annoyance.
In terms of social networks, I am not really a big fan. I am sure that they are useful for some, but I am a very private person and don't like sharing my personal information online. Some people have told me that the social networking communities are great for networking with others, but I just don't like the idea of sharing information and ideas with people I have never met in person.
Thing 17: Social Networks Beyond Facebook
I love Facebook of course that is really the only social network I belong to, but I do also belong to many free genealogy sites as well. I liked Gather it had lots of news which makes a newsjunky like me happy. I probably wont join any other social network's unless there free and my family and friends are on there. I think I will just stick with Facebook. I do often tell people about my experience with Facebook and my genealogy sites that is what people seem most interested in.
I explored Grooveshark, and Pandora. I liked working with Pandora as it was the easiest site for me to use. I selected an artist and his songs were played continuously and I could click thumbs up or thumbs down it I wanted to keep the selection. This was an interesting exercise but not something that I would spend much time on.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Thing 16 Streaming Music
I am not a huge music person so the idea of streaming music is not really very appealing to me. I found Pandora to be the most user-friendly site, but wouldn't use it very often. Searching for children's music, I found it interesting that the Wiggles was even available on this site. I happily listened to them, as well as Raffi, before tiring of listening. I can't really say what music I usually listen to as I listen to audiobooks most of the time I am driving and don't play music in my home very often. Being an easy to please person, there isn't really much music that I wouldn't listen to, but I would not pursue listening to music online very often, if ever.
Thing 15 Podcasts
I am somewhat familiar with podcasts as I had to make one for my Preparing Instructional Media class a few months ago. from the directories listed, I liked the most. I searched for storytimes and found quite a few to choose from. I did not subscribe to any of the podcasts, not do I feel I will listen to podcasts regularly, but I can see how some people would like them. The library could do weekly podcasts of children's books being read in a dramatic way. Another idea would be to have monthly library news updates for patrons posted on our website.
Thing 14-YouTube
While I have be on YouTube a few times, I am not what you would classify as a fan. I will sometimes watch a video that someone has suggested to me, but I'm not one of those people who sits around watching videos for hours at a time. The most useful thing I have found on YouTube was a few libraries that post videos of fingerplays they use in their storytimes. After watching them, I feel more confident about using them in my Curious Kids program.
As far as how we could use YouTube at the library, I think it would be a good idea if our children's department recorded and posted some videos of our storytime components. Another idea would be to post short puppet shows. Outside of children's programming, we could have a virtual tour of the library posted since our library is so picturesque. Just a few suggestions.
The video I found to be most interesting in my search was a library-related remake of a song popular in the 1990s. I hope you find it to be as entertaining as I did.
Thing 16: Streaming Music
I love listening to music I used to go to Pandora all the time. Yahoo is great but I have a sharing site called 360 SharePro where I have my own playlist and I download music. My tastes in music varies. I like anything from Frank Sinatra to the singer Pink I like big band, and I also like 80s & 90s rock bands.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Thing 15: Podcast
Podcasts are pretty cool if you dont have a DVR or TVO. I found that worked the best and had the best selection. I know my own daughter uses podcasts when her shows dont record. Maybe the library can make podcasts to announce programs for the upcoming months, and to let patrons know whats new and exciting. More and more people are on the net its a very clever tool to spread info. I am personally a news junky so I have posted a link to a FoxNews podcast its the lastest news from around the country and world.
Thing 18 - More Social Networks
Children are going to use computers whether we, as adults, want them to or not. I think it is better that they are allowed on networks that are closely monitored and parents can feel safe in letting their kids on the computer. All of the Fun and Safe Social Networks for Children have their pros and cons. I, myself, do not like putting ANY personal information on the computer. On the other hand, technology is the future and I would encourage families to look at the networks and pick the one that will fit what they want and one that will be most beneficial to their child.
I was very impressed with Webjunction. Everything you want to know from courses, programs, events to discussion groups is available. I think it would be great to have something like this available to our patrons. The more we can offer; the better we become.
I was very impressed with Webjunction. Everything you want to know from courses, programs, events to discussion groups is available. I think it would be great to have something like this available to our patrons. The more we can offer; the better we become.
Thing 17 - Social Networks
I am currently not a member of social networks or any other online community. The online communities allow you to join and do many things. I accessed CROUPON for the Tampa Bay area and it allows you to purchase things at a discount. For example you can dine at Splitsville in Channelside for $17, which is a discount of 51%. The regular price is $35. I'm always looking for bargains and this might be something I would use, especially around the holidays.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
Thing 14: Online Video
I love YouTube I go on at least once a day for everything from music, documentaries, & shows that you cant seem to find anywhere else. I searched libraries as well and looked at interesting videos of the future of libraries, but I posted a video that I saw a few years ago that I thought was funny. Elisabeth thinks I'm horrible for laughing at people getting hurt, but I also laugh at myself so what can you do but share the funny video of a skinny person falling(lol).
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Thing 15
I listened to all the podcasts suggested and found that I liked PodcastBunker and Podbean best. On PodcastBunker I listened to New York Times front page and also stuff you missed in history class. Podbean has an ESL broadcast with several subjects to choose from. I've found that I enjoy Podcasts. Sometimes just listening to the spoken word instead of being bombarded by visual images can be a good thing. I think a Podcast of Booktalking with Iris would be worth exploring. She has a great voice and a wonderful program.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Thing 14
I've been watching YouTube videos for a few years now. It's great to be able to look up songs that I enjoyed 35 years ago. . I also watched the videos made by other libraries across the country. Some of them were very clever. It would be great if Largo Public Library could video some of the upcoming events and a demonstration on how to use eBook readers and post it to the website. Many people have received them for Christmas and have no idea how to download books to them.
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