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Amy's Shelfari Bookshelf

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Thing 21: Show What You Know

1.Google 3.Yahoo 4. Yahoo Music 5. Facebook 6. Largo Public Library. I picked Google because I personally use it for just about everything its a great starting search engine that is very simple. is used in the library and searching for ones genealogy is a very popular. Yahoo and Yahoo Music I also use daily Yahoo offers so much info from news, music, & free email its a great site and easy to use. Facebook of course is one of the biggest sites around the world today and has opened a wonderful portal into lives everywhere and almost everyone is on it searching for family, friends and even love. Lastly and of course most importantly I chose the Largo Library because people have come into the library so they should know what free information & services we offer from our website such as what books there are, programs for children & adults, book clubs, & databases to name a few. I would probably suggest more but these would be my top few because I do use them all myself and I love websites that are simple and fun.

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