
Hello from the Ladies:)

Amy's Shelfari Bookshelf

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Thing 23: Final Thoughts

My final thoughts are I love the internet I'm addicted to all the awesome sites I have saved to my laptop. Some were the ones we used on the 23Things such as the image generators which I use on my facebook page. I also bookmarked Pandora I had forgotten all about it since using the sharing music site 360 SharePro. I am a big history junky and there are so many sites out there where I can keep ready about our countries founding and many other world histories as well. Some people are afraid of the internet until they get started then they cant stop especially when you realize most of the people you know are on the net as well. I did enjoy learning a few new things that I didnt know about so thats a plus. Addio!!

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